
Our first shop tasting of 2023

Now that January is almost done and dusted, we’re very happy to announce our first tasting of 2023 at the shop!

On Thursday 9th February we’ll be celebrating a part of France’s Rhône region that we have a lot of time for: the Ardèche.

Away from the prestigious slopes of the north, there is a growing community of small producers farming without chemicals and making wine naturally. For many, they are largely off-radar, dotted around the western flank of the valley and often released without appellation status.

To get a feel for the Ardèche that we know and love, we will be opening wine from a selection of growers we feel give a snapshot of the region; from those we have built friendships with and import directly ourselves like Le Mazel, La Vrille et le Papillon & L’Alezan to other notable names such as Daniel Sage, Anders Frederik Steen and Anne Bruun Blauert.

The tasting is open to all and we invite you drop in at any time from 5pm. We will have a selection of bottles open for you to taste through, all of which will make up the by the glass selection for the night, no doubt with one or two special additions. There will be wider selection of on-theme by the bottle selections we’ve pulled out of the cellar for the occasion too. All the wines featured in the tasting will be available at a discounted price for those of you who would like to take a bottle or two home with you.

We hope you can join us for our first event of the year!

WW x