Grape – Girò

Explore our curated selection of No Added Sulphur Wines at Wayward Wines, UK. Each bottle in this category is a testament to natural winemaking, showcasing the authentic character of the grapes without the interference of added sulphur.

Our range includes a variety of styles from passionate winemakers dedicated to preserving the purity and essence of their wines. Perfect for those who appreciate wine in its most natural form and are looking for a cleaner, more organic drinking experience.

Cap de Nit
Vermell 2022

A very light red, or a deep rosado depending on your inclination, this is an unusual Spanish wine made from an obscure grape named Girò. It is native to Alicante, but has also found its way over to Sardinia, where it is more prevalent. This is a very modern take on an ancient varietal. Find out more.

  • Region Alicante, Valencia, Spain
  • Grapes Girò
  • Vineyard Organic
  • Cellar Fermented with native yeasts, unfiltered & unfined, no additional sulphites
